NCAAF New Playoff System

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Well, now that it is finally over, what did you think of the new playoff system for College Football???

What Do You Think

What Do You Think

It ended with the Oregon Ducks playing the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Ohio State Buckeyes taking home the win and the trophy with the final score 41 to 20.

A ‘monster’: Ezekiel Elliott’s performance keys Buckeyes in win over Oregon.–monster—ezekiel-elliott-s-performance-keys-buckeyes-in-win-over-oregon-070817842.html

It was a strong win for Ohio, especially when Oregon was favored to win. There were a whole lot of
Sports fans that didn’t even think that Ohio should have even been in the finally four, but Ohio showed them by first beating the number one ranked team, Alabama 42 to 35 to go on to play in the very first
Collage playoff Championship game played in the Arlington Texas stadium, the home of the Dallas Cowboys.

The playoff system was a huge success for college football as a whole. The highest TV rated college football ever! This will guarantee this form of college football playoffs will continue and most likely will be expanded to maybe six or eight terms ending up in the playoffs, something very similar to the NFL playoffs, which includes ‘wild cards’ terms playing for their right to play in the final Championship game.

College Football Playoff title game delivers highest overnight rating in ESPN history

TV Rating Were Up

TV Rating Were Up

When the college football rankings came out in mid-December, the final four were Alabama ranking 1st, Oregon ranked 2nd, Florida ranked 3rd, and Ohio State ranked 4th.

In my opinion, and the opinion of a whole lot of fans and sports commentators, there were several really good schools that for whatever reason did not make the ‘final four’.

Who Really Is #1

Who Really Is #1

You had the ‘Big 12’ which had two teams, TCU, Texas Christian University, The Horned Frogs (11-1) had the same ranking as Baylor, also went 11-1) and were completely left out. Boise State Broncos 11-2 was out and even Northern Illinois, Marshall of the 1st Conference USA from the East Division who was 12-1 at the end of the season.
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What if the people who make their living rating teams every day were in charge of seeding the college football playoffs? What if the inaugural playoff season wasn’t decided by a group of people with different agendas that might factor into their judgment?

However, this could be a simple fix, just expand the playoffs from the four that played to either 6 or 8 teams. Then TCU, Baylor and even Boise State Broncos might have made it into the playoffs.

The day after the College Football Championship Game, the new college team rankings were released. No surprise that Ohio was ranked the number one college football team and Oregon second, but what surprising was that TCU was ranked third instead of Alabama which placed Florida as fifth. Too bad
TCU did not get a chance to play in the final four.

Ohio State No. 1 and TCU No. 3 in final AP poll of 2014 season.–1-and-tcu-no–3-in-final-ap-poll-of-2014-season-081035803.html

1. Ohio State (59 first place votes)
2. Oregon
3. TCU
4. Alabama
5. Florida State
5. Michigan State

It is going to be a long off season for us college football



fans. We have to wait and see what and how the
Powers that be in the NCAAF ‘tweet’ the college ranking and playoff systems. It was way too profitable for them not to!

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