College Football Playoffs 2014

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College Football Playoff set to replace Bowl Championship Series in 2014

After several years of being pressured by ‘sports fans’ the sports media and even the colleges themselves. It has finally happened.

The Bowl Championship Series, better known as the ‘BCS’bcs_logo 150
will be replaced by the College Football Playoff system starting in 2014.

This will be the last season of the multi-bowl system.

The BCS conference commissioners announced this new Football Playoff System will totally replaced the individual bowls games now played. This meeting was held this past April 2013 in Pasadena, California and lasted three days.

They also selected the remaining three sites for the six-bowl semifinal rotation in the new system and the site of the first championship game which will be held January 12, 2015.
The website has been set up and is running. This site allowed fans to vote on a new logo. It also has a Twitter handle.

When it was finally announced that ”We’ve decided to call the playoff what it is the College Football Playoff,” BCS executive director Bill Hancock, who will hold the same position in the playoff system, said in a statement..

If you are interested in how the BSC commissioners arrived at their decisions; you can clink on any of the following links.

Sept. 2012: Commissioners work through playoff issues

June 2012: Consensus reached on playoff

April 2012: BCS big steps toward playoff

Jan. 2012: Emmert would support playoff

The BCS Commissioners even hired Premiere Sports Management in Overland Park, Kansas to help come up with a name and brand the new system.

If everything works out perfectly, the new postseason format will create two national semifinals to be played New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, with the winners advancing.

The six bowls in the playoff rotation will host marquee, BCS-type games on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day during the seasons they do not host a semifinal. Three semifinal spots have already been decided: the Rose, Orange and Sugar bowls.

Four other bowls have bid for the final three spots. The clear front-runners are the Cotton, Chick-fil-A and Fiesta. The Holiday Bowl in San Diego also put in a bid.

The first semifinals playoff games will be played at the Rose Bowl and the Sugar bowl.

The site of the first national championship game in the new system was also determined at these meetings and the finalists were Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, the billion dollar home of the NFL team and the Cotton Bowl, and Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla., home of the Buccaneers.
Arlington is the favorite to land that first championship game. However, the home of the Dallas Cowboys won out and will host the very first College Playoff Game.

Also on the agenda at this meeting with the commissioners was the composition of the selection committee that will set the field for the playoff. They have said they would like the committee to be similar to the one that picks the teams for the NCAA basketball tournament, made up of conference commissioners and athletic directors.

This is a huge overhauling of a system that at one time was the envied of the sports world, but as College Football
has grow up along with social media, fantasy football , which is not only being played in the NFL but also at the college level now and with the ever increasing amount of money that colleges get from TV coverage.  
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The money doesn’t stop with just TV coverage either, it flow of money also comes from ‘games’ sold using the college logos and even more money coming from endorsements from advertisers, such as Nike.
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College football is not just for college students and their alumni anymore, it is all about the TV coverage and money.

This is the main reason behind the fact that college football had to move beyond the crazy bowl system that they are using now and into a system that will clearly have a winner and only one winner! were_number_1-75

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